Navigating Baghdad

I dug this out the other day. It’s the atlas I used to navigate Baghdad. It was better than the one I was issued when I got to Kuwait. This time I only found one major error. I discovered it when we started to turn onto what was marked as a minor road on the map. It was actually a canal. Fortunately, we stopped just in time and it wasn’t a crisis. Sometime later I did a few jobs for NGA. They were the author of that atlas and they hired me after I shared my experiences driving in Iraq with them, including all the bad things that could happen if a symbol on a map was wrong. #cartography #preorder #baghdaddy #iraq #iraqifreedom

Posted in Baghdaddy Middle East, Bill Riley Author.


  1. Hey Lori-Ann. It’s getting closer. I should see the final version before it goes to the printer by next Friday. I’m scrambling to get everything in place now to make launch day a smooth as possible. With a little luck, I’ll have the next draft of Ashur’s Tears done before BAGHDADDY releases. Thanks for commenting! I can’t wait to hear what you think of the book. Bill

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