Wild Blue Yonder – Dec 2018

Welcome to the Wild Blue Yonder Newsletter!

Thank you for all your support and encouragement, and for sticking with me on this weirdly awesome carnival ride that transforms ideas into books.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Plus, No Rest for the Wicked.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

T.A. Barron said, “Every piece of the universe, even the tiniest little snow crystal, matters somehow. I have a place in the pattern, and so do you. Thinking of you this holiday season!”

While that’s deep and true. It’s times like this I like to dip into the Irish part of my heritage and also say, May the best things you experienced in 2018 be the worst of your 2019.

Jodi, Sam, Xander, and I wish you health, happiness, and all the best in the New Year.

Here’s the new social media banner! And a writing update.

The major Baghdaddy edits are complete, and my story is now in the design phase. This is the part of publishing where the manuscript begins to look like a real book. Brown Books calls this an architectural edit where chapters are laid out, maps are added to the section breaks, and graphics and fonts are selected.

While all that is going on my press kit and advanced reader copies are being built and more requests for endorsements and reviews will go out just before the New Year.

In the lull between books, I took a little time off, but while my Cypher book is being read and marked up by my amazing group of readers, I started clearing my board and office to prepare for Cypher 2.0 where the story continues. I don’t want to give too much away, but look forward to an AI growing self-aware, more monsters, and maybe even giant robots.

Baghdaddy should be available everywhere on 7 May 19. I’ll send an update when the pre-order links are live. I’m on Twitter now @BillRileyAuthor. If you’re on Twitter, say ‘hi’ sometime.

Happy Holidays and thanks again for reading my newsletter.
More information on my books and events will follow.

Find Out More at https://www.billrileyauthor.com 
Find me on Facebook and Twitter @BillRileyAuthor

Posted in Bill Riley Author, Newsletter.